Qi Zhao

88 Harbour St, Toronto, ON · (416)-666-0743 · steve-qi.zhao@outlook.com

I am a Software Developer at SOTI Inc.


University of Toronto

Master of Science in Applied Computing (MScAC)

Completed all courses with excellent grades.
Took 8-month internship at SOTI and completed porting of Tizen system project from scratch.

Click here to see ARIA 2019 Banner , Internship Report or Download Mitacs Accelerate Award Report
Sep 2018 - Dec 2019

Xi'an Jiaotong University (China)

Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)
Department of Computer Science and Technology, School of Electronic and Information Engineering

GPA: 3.58 / Average Score: 86.55

Sep 2014 - Jun 2018

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

Student Exchange Program
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, College of Electrical and Computer Engineering

GPA: 4.07

Sep 2016 - Jan 2017

Work Experience

Software Developer – Linux Project

SOTI Inc, Mississauga, Canada
  • Designed the Scheduler Module to handle scheduled execution of scripts in multi-thread environment.
  • Composed the PackageManager Module to manage packages on different Linux distros using design pattern.
  • Refactored modules of network connection manager and kiosk mode to enhance software stability and applicability.
  • Improved bash scripts for Linux agent to offer password protected enrollment and to accomplish interactive prompts.
  • Supported source code coverage. Integrated auto-generation of unit test coverage report into CI/CD pipeline.
  • Jan 2021 – Present

    Software Developer – Tizen Project

    SOTI Inc, Mississauga, Canada
  • Developed a Tizen native UI application to enroll the MobiControl agent into SOTI MobiControl cloud environment.
  • Completed full porting process of Tizen agent, including enrollment, sending notification, remote control, collecting watch sensor data, etc. Deployed Tizen agent into production environment.
  • Conducted work on cmake, make and cross-compiling through different platforms.
  • Feb 2020 – Dec 2020

    Research & Development (Student Intern)

    SOTI Inc, Mississauga, Canada
  • Developed an agent (Tizen native service application) that runs on Tizen system and talks to SOTI MobiControl server.
  • Ported the most useful features and functions from the existing SOTI Linux MobiControl agent to the Tizen agent.
  • Achieved inbound and outbound remote control between Tizen devices and SOTI MobiControl server.
  • May 2019 – Dec 2019

    Teaching Assistant

    University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
  • Organized and led CSC258 Computer Organization (prof:Steve Engels) course tutorials in fall and winter 2018, fall 2019.
  • Provided students with one-on-one tutoring and summarized common problems to help professors improve course design.
  • Demonstrated exceptional communication and leadership skills in a team-based environment.
  • Sep 2018 – Apr 2019

    IT Consultant Intern

    Sichuan Communication Design, China Comservice, Chengdu, China
  • Coordinated the network development among digital TV set-top boxes and designed an initial version of the database.
  • Designed webpage for front-end users via interfaces with the back-end database using the AngularJS framework.
  • Supported the Online Intelligent Fault Diagnosis System for set-up boxes and created the client-side web application.
  • Jul 2017 - Oct 2017


    Course Projects, University of Toronto, Canada

    SMPE: Stock Market Prediction on Edge, Edge Computing
    Sep 2018 - Dec 2018
  • Established a three-layered LSTM prediction model using Python TensorFlow and deployed it in an Android mobile app.
  • Built a mobile-edge-cloud system on Python Flask to offload stock market prediction from Microsoft Azure Cloud into the edge server and reduced latency by more than 35%.
  • Click here to see SMPE Project Report or Slides
    Vehicle Collision Analysis in Toronto, Data Science and Analytics
    Sep 2018 - Dec 2018
  • Streamlined open-source vehicle collision database in Toronto to construct the best-fit prediction model utilizing Python.
  • Proposed feasible solutions to problems revealed from model to facilitate adequate preparation for possible future collisions.
  • Click here to see Project Report , Slides or Download the Project ipython Notebook

    YLAB Wireless Network and Network Security Lab, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

    Dynamic Guidance Decision Algorithm in Intelligent Transportation Systems
    Oct 2017 - May 2018
  • Implemented a dynamic real-time route guidance algorithm with en-route decision making strategy through MATLAB which can significantly reduce travel time and improve traffic efficiency.
  • Click here to see DRGE Project Report(in Chinese) or one page Abstract(in English)
    Wi-Fi Selector for Android Devices
    Mar 2017 - Jul 2017
  • Designed the graphic user interface and functions of the Wi-Fi Selector application in Java.
  • Created a MySQL database within the framework of the application to load data into the Tomcat server.

  • Skills

    Programming Languages & Tools
    • C++
    • C
    • Python
    • Java
    • MATLAB
    • Linux Bash
    • Tizen
    • MySQL
    • Sqlserver
    Other Skills & Knowledge
    • Development Tools: Git, Azure DevOps, GitHub Enterprise
    • CI/CD Pipeline: Jenkins, GoCD
    • Teamwork Tools: Jira, Kanban

    Awards & Honors